Income Tax Treaties: Competent Authority Functions and Procedures of Selected Countries (D-G) (Portfolio 6887)


Jens Wittendorff

International Tax Partner

Ernst & Young LLP


Gianmarco Monsellato

Managing Partner / CEO

Taj Société d'Avocats


Eric Lesprit



Daniel Liebchen headshot

Daniel Liebchen


Flick Gocke Schaumburg

At a glance

45:I. Introduction
45:II. Competent Authority
45:IV. Arbitration
45:V. Advance Pricing Agreements
45:VI. Consultation Between Competent Authorities Regarding Treaty Interpretation or Application
45:VII. Exchange of Information
45:VIII. Assistance in Tax Collection
50:I. Introduction
50:II. The Competent Authority of France
50:III. The Mutual Agreement Procedure for Taxpayer Cases
50:IV. Advance Pricing Agreements
50:V. Exchange of Information
50:VI. Assistance in Tax Collection
55:I. Introduction
55:II. The German Competent Authority
55:III. The MAP for Taxpayer Cases and Arbitration Procedures
55:IV. Advance Pricing Agreements
55:V. Consultation Between Competent Authorities Regarding Treaty Interpretation or Application Introductory Material
55:VI. Exchange of Information
55:VII. Assistance in Tax Collection


The Bloomberg Tax Portfolio, Income Tax Treaties: Competent Authority Functions and Procedures of Selected Countries (D–G), No. 6887, discusses the competent authority functions and procedures of Denmark, France, and Germany. Each chapter initially focuses on the mutual agreement procedure that is available to taxpayers subject to double taxation, and in that connection discusses such topics as the basic procedure for requesting competent authority relief, statute of limitations issues, the role of Appeals (if any), the small case procedure (if any), interest on deficiencies and refunds, and the possibility of arbitration. If a country also has procedures for Advance Pricing Agreements, those are also considered.

Each chapter then discusses the procedures relating to consultation between competent authorities regarding the interpretation or application of an income tax treaty, exchange of information, and assistance in collection. With respect to exchange of information, each chapter also considers procedures under any tax information exchange agreements to which the country is a party.

For competent authority functions and procedures of the United States, see 940 T.M., U.S. Income Tax Treaties — U.S. Competent Authority Functions and Procedures.

This Portfolio may be cited as Wittendorff, Monsellato, Lesprit, and Liebchen, 6887 T.M., Income Tax Treaties: Competent Authority Functions and Procedures of Selected Countries (D–G).

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