Bloomberg Tax Authors / Daniel Liebchen
Daniel Liebchen
Flick Gocke Schaumburg
About Daniel
Dr. Daniel Liebchen is a partner with the Transfer Pricing team of Flick Gocke Schaumburg Partnership of lawyers, tax advisors and auditors, and the German member of Taxand, in Hamburg. He has more than ten years of experience in transfer pricing, business restructurings, valuation issues and has particular experience in representing multinational enterprises in transfer pricing tax audits and competent authority negotiations. He is also extensively involved in providing planning solutions to companies with cross-border transactions and has advised leading multinationals in various industries, including chemical, automotive, food and beverage, and energy. Dr. Liebchen is a guest lecturer at the Bundesfinanzakademie (German Federal Finance Academy). He regularly gives speeches on transfer pricing, and is a commentator of leading German transfer pricing and DTC commentaries (e.g., Flick/Wassermeyer/Baumhoff/Schönfeld (Eds.), Außensteuerrecht, Sec. 1 Foreign Tax Act; Flick/Wassermeyer/Kempermann (Eds.), DTC Germany-Switzerland, art. 9; Schönfeld/Ditz (Eds.), DTC, art. 25 OECD MC) and handbooks (Wassermeyer/Baumhoff (Eds.), Verrechnungspreise international verbundener Unternehmen; Mössner et al., and Steuerrecht international tätiger Unternehmen, 4th and 5th ed.). In addition, Dr. Liebchen has authored numerous articles on transfer pricing and business restructurings. Daniel is a certified tax advisor. He received his Ph.D. and diploma in business administration (Diplom-Kaufmann) from the Helmut-Schmidt-University and the University of Federal Armed Forces in Hamburg, respectively.