Bloomberg Tax Authors / Mortimer Dittenhofer
Mortimer Dittenhofer
Tax Management Portfolio Authors
About Mortimer
Dr. Dittenhofer (deceased) practiced internal auditing at Sears Roebuck and Company and in the federal government at the Atomic Energy Commission and is the former executive director of the Association of Government Accountants. At the U.S. Government Accounting Office, he chaired the work group that developed the first edition of the Government Auditing Standards, also known as the “Yellow Book.” Dr. Dittenhofer formerly served as the Director of Master of Accounting Program in Internal Auditing at Florida International University, where he is Emeritus Professor of Accounting. He has authored or coauthored numerous articles, books and textbooks on auditing, including Sawyer's Internal Auditing, (5th ed., IIARF 2004).
Ph.D., American University (1974)
M.S., Accounting, Northwestern University (1942)
B.S., Economics, Macalester
Ph.D., American University (1974)
M.S., Accounting, Northwestern University (1942)
B.S., Economics, Macalester