Bloomberg Tax Authors / Franklin Latcham

Franklin Latcham


Tax Management Portfolio Authors

About Franklin

Frank Latcham (deceased) was a graduate of the University of Washington (1943) and received his legal education at the University of Washington (LL.B. 1944) and Yale University (J.S.D. 1951). He taught at Case–Western Reserve University Law School from 1948 to 1954. He became an associate of the firm of Morrison & Foerster in 1954, a partner in 1961, and Senior of Counsel in 1986. Mr. Latcham was a past chairman of the Committee on State and Local Taxes of the ABA Section of Taxation and of the Committee on Standards of Tax Practice. He has written extensively in the field of state and local taxation and co–authored (with Prentiss Willson, Jr.) “Franchise and Corporation Income Taxes,” in California Taxes (California Continuing Education of the Bar, 1987). He lectured regularly and has spoken at the University of Southern California Tax Institute, the Georgetown University Institute on State and Local Taxation, and the New York University Institute on State and Local Taxation. He was Chairman of the Advisory Board for the Tax Management Multistate Tax Portfolio Series and was Adjunct Director, Institute of Governmental Affairs, University of California, Davis, California. Mr. Latcham has also been in charge of state and local tax cases in all California administrative agencies and in all California courts, federal courts, administrative agencies, courts in other states, and before the United States Supreme Court.