Business Operations in India (Portfolio 7160)

Bhupendra T. Nagda


Chandabhoy & Jassoobhoy, Chartered


Sunil Hansraj

Joint Managing Partner

Chandabhoy & Jassoobhoy, Chartered Accountants

At a glance

I. Introduction
II. Operating a Business in India
III. Business Organization
IV. Principal Taxes
V. Taxation
VI. Special Provisions Applicable to Nonresidents
VII. Indirect Taxation
VIII. Transfer Pricing
IX.  Double Taxation Relief


Tax Management Portfolio, Business Operations in India, No. 7160, analyzes India's Companies Act, foreign investment policies, foreign exchange management, anti-competition legislation, Income Tax Act, the tax concessions granted for new investments and industrial undertakings, the special concessions for foreign enterprises and the provisions for the computation of the taxable income of nonresidents. Following an overhaul of the structure of indirect taxes in 2017, the Goods and Services Tax (GST) was introduced, seeking to simplify the collection and administration of indirect taxes. Other indirect taxes such as customs (import) duty and stamp duty are also discussed.
The Worksheets feature a checklist of transactions, guidelines and government policies having corporate and tax significance.
This Portfolio may be cited as Hansraj and Nagda, 7160 T.M., Business Operations in India.

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