Bloomberg Tax Authors / Vivek Mande

Vivek Mande

Director, Center for Corporate Reporting and Governance

California State University, Fullerton

About Vivek

Dr. Mande is the director of the Center for Corporate Reporting and Governance at California State University Fullerton. He was the 2007-2008 PricewaterhouseCoopers Faculty Fellow, the recipient of the Droulliard Scholar Award in the spring of 2004, and a Moss Adams Accounting Research Fellow for 2002, 2003, and 2004. He was named the Outstanding Faculty for 2005 by the College's Executive Council.

Prior to joining Cal State Fullerton, he was the 2001-2002 Academic Fellow at the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in Washington DC. Professor Mande has also held faculty appointments at the City University of New York- Baruch, the University of Arizona and the University of Nebraska, Omaha.

Dr. Mande is the author of Accounting for Share-Based Compensation (2006) published by Bloomberg Tax (Arlington, VA). He has been quoted in numerous newspapers and articles such as KPMG's Audit Committee Insight and Compliance Week. His analysis of executive compensation was the front page story of the Orange County Register in the summer of 2006. His research findings have been published in Contemporary Accounting ResearchAuditing: A Journal of Practice and TheoryJournal of Accounting and Public PolicyCorporate Governance: An International ReviewJournal of Business Finance and AccountingInternational Journal of AccountingABACUSAccounting and Business Research and a number of other journals.


Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles



Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles