Bloomberg Tax Authors / Steve Blough

Steve Blough



About Steve

Stephen Blough is the functional group leader for Economic & Valuation Services within KPMG LLP's Washington National Tax practice. As the firm's senior transfer pricing economist, Steve oversees transfer pricing analyses for some of KPMG's largest clients and provides technical assistance on many other projects. He also serves as the Global Transfer Pricing Services leader for the Americas region.

Representative engagements include serving as lead transfer pricing adviser to a top global technology firm, focusing on intangible asset issues and global structuring; designing a global tax structure for a high-profile, rapidly growing Internet company; and leading a global project to design and help implement a new worldwide transfer pricing methodology for a leading communications firm, including support for in-house financial implementation, global compliance and FAS 109 review.

Before joining KPMG in 1994, Steve was an economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, where he was responsible for the analysis of financial markets in their relationship to monetary and regulatory policy. He also spent six years on the faculty of the department of economics at Johns Hopkins University, where he taught graduate courses in econometric methods and macroeconomics. His publications have focused on the development of new statistical methods and their application to financial and economic issues.


Ph.D., Economics, University of California, Berkeley (1987)
B.A., Economics, Swarthmore College (1979)


Ph.D., Economics, University of California, Berkeley (1987)
B.A., Economics, Swarthmore College (1979)