Bloomberg Tax Authors / Marco De Lignie

Marco De Lignie


Loyens & Loeff

About Marco

Marco J. de Lignie (1964), tax adviser, is a member of the tax practice group and is actively involved in the Investment Management and Private Equity team of Loyens & Loeff. He is specialized in all domestic and international tax aspects of fund formation and management participation, and acts frequently as tax counsel in private equity buyout and venture capital transactions. Amongst his clients are most of the renowned Dutch private equity houses.

Marco worked at the New York office, is a frequent speaker at seminars, and is a member of the International Fiscal Association (IFA) and the International Bar Associations (IBA). In addition, he is counsel in tax matters to the Dutch Venture Capital Association (NVP), and is a member of the Tax and Legal Committee of Invest Europe (the European Private Equity and Venture Capital Association), where he has been an active member for many years, representing the Netherlands.


Tax law, University of Leiden, 1987


Tax law, University of Leiden, 1987