Bloomberg Tax Authors / Gianmarco Monsellato

Gianmarco Monsellato

Managing Partner / CEO

Taj Société d'Avocats

About Gianmarco

Gianmarco Monsellato advises leading European, Japanese, Korean and US multinational companies in transfer pricing and international tax strategies.

He has been recognized as “Lead Tax Adviser”, “Lead Transfer Pricing Advisor” and “Lead Tax Controversy Advisor” in Euromoney Legal Media Group Surveys since 1998. Co-founder of the Transfer Pricing worldwide Deloitte team, his service line has been quoted n°1 Transfer Pricing Team in France, by the International Tax Review.

He is the co-author of the first French book on transfer pricing: Les prix de Transfert; wrote the French chapter in Transfer Pricing – an International Guide; author of numerous articles on international tax and transfer pricing in French and international reviews.

He is the Chairman of the International Chamber of Commerce’s French Tax Committee ; member of the IFA; member of the French-US Chamber of Commerce; has more than 20 years experience in strategic tax planning, tax controversies, Advance Transfer Pricing Agreements and Competent Authority Procedures.

Former Managing Partner (CEO) of Taj, an international tax and law firm in France, he is now the Global Tax & Legal Client & Industry Leader and EU Public Policy Tax Director for Deloitte.


Management, HEC Paris (1990)


Management, HEC Paris (1990)