Bloomberg Tax Authors / Edward Robbins, Jr.

Edward Robbins, Jr.



About Edward

A Principal at HOCHMAN SALKIN TOSCHER PEREZ, PC, Edward Robbins’ representation includes Federal and California civil tax and criminal tax litigation together with civil tax and criminal tax controversy matters before the Internal Revenue Service., the California Franchise Tax Board, the California State Board of Equalization, California Employment Development Department and various state taxing authorities of individuals, business enterprises, partnerships, limited liability companies, and corporations. Representation also includes individuals and organizations involved as targets, subjects, or witnesses in Federal and California criminal investigations and related grand jury and pre-trial proceedings, trials and appeals.

As Chief of the Tax Division, Central District of California’s United States Attorney’s Office from 1998-2004, Edward M. Robbins, Jr., handled a full caseload specializing in complex civil and criminal tax litigation. In addition to his litigation duties he was responsible for the management and coordination of the Tax Division’s tax cases and supervised the Special AUSA’s in bankruptcy matters and worked with the Assistant Attorney General (Tax) to develop and ensure uniform national tax policy.

As an Assistant United States Attorney, a role Mr. Robbins held for more than 21 years, Mr. Robbins represented the government in a variety of federal criminal tax prosecutions and civil tax actions and proceedings before the United States District Court, the United States Bankruptcy Court, the United States Bankruptcy Appellate Panel and the state courts. He handled numerous civil and criminal tax cases and matters.


LL.M., University of San Diego (1984) magna cum laude
J.D., Golden Gate University (1978) with honors
B.S.E.E., Ohio State University (1971) with honors


LL.M., University of San Diego (1984) magna cum laude
J.D., Golden Gate University (1978) with honors
B.S.E.E., Ohio State University (1971) with honors