Bloomberg Tax Authors / Dominic Daher

Dominic Daher

Associate Vice President, Tax Compliance And Internal Audit

University Of San Francisco

About Dominic

As Associate Vice President for Tax Compliance and Internal Audit at the University of San Francisco, Dominic L. Daher is responsible for oversight of all tax compliance and internal audit matters at the University. Mr. Daher also serves as an Adjunct Professor of Law in the University’s School of Law where he teaches Tax Policy, Accounting for Lawyers, Nonprofit Taxation, and Law Practice Management. In May 2016 Mr. Daher received the Honorable Ira A. Brown Distinguished Adjunct Professor Award from the University’s School of Law. Mr. Daher previously served as an adjunct member of the faculty in the University’s School of Management where he taught Federal Taxation, Advanced Federal Taxation, Advanced Business Law, Contemporary Business Issues, Principles of Financial Accounting, and Tax Planning Strategies, and in 2005, he garnered the Outstanding Faculty of the Year Award. In 2015, Mr. Daher was awarded the National Association of College University Business Officers’ (NACUBO) Tax Award.

Mr. Daher is a member of the NACUBO Tax Council, and he regularly presents at the NACUBO Tax Forum and UBIT Conference. Mr. Daher serves on the editorial advisory boards for some of the leading tax and accounting publications in the country, including: TAXATION OF EXEMPTS (WG&L), THE EXEMPT ORGANIZATION TAX REVIEW (TAX ANALYSTS), CORPORATE BUSINESS TAXATION MONTHLY (CCH), INTERNAL AUDITOR (INSTITUTE OF INTERNAL AUDITORS), and INTERNAL AUDITING (WG&L). Additionally, Mr. Daher serves as a member of the Financial Accounting Standards Board’s (FASB) Not-for-Profit Resource Group, and as a member of the Board of Governors for the San Francisco Chapter of the Institute of Internal Auditors.

Mr. Daher is the author (or co-author) of over 50 published books and articles which deal with various aspects of federal tax law and accounting issues, and his work has been cited in reports to the United States Congress, various Law Review articles, Federal Courts of Appeals decisions, Forbes, Al Jazeera America, and other media outlets. Among his many other accolades, Mr. Daher is the co-author of a leading treatise on federal tax law, The Hornbook on the Law of Federal Income Taxation (Thomson West 2008 with a new edition to be published in 2018), Accounting for Not-For-Profit Organizations (BNA 2006), Accounting for Mergers and Acquisitions of Not-For-Profit Organizations (BNA 2009, revised 2012), Interest Expense Deductions (BNA 2007, revised 2012, and forthcoming revision coming in 2018), Accounting for Business Combinations (WG&L 2008-2017); A Practical Guide to Corporate Taxation (CCH 2012), and Accounting for Property Plant and Equipment (BNA 2016).


LL.M., Taxation, New York University School of Law
J.D., Washington University School of Law
Master and Bachelor of Accountancy, University of Missouri-Columbia


LL.M., Taxation, New York University School of Law
J.D., Washington University School of Law
Master and Bachelor of Accountancy, University of Missouri-Columbia