Bloomberg Tax Authors / Margriet Lukkien

Margriet Lukkien


Loyens & Loeff N.V.

About Margriet

Margriet Lukkien is a tax partner with Loyens & Loeff’s International Tax Services Practice Group of which she is the chair. She is a core member of the Region Team US and advises multinational entities (especially North American based), financial institutions and sovereign wealth funds on Dutch corporate tax, dividend withholding tax and accompanying aspects of international tax.

Her expertise includes international structuring/restructuring taking into account the OECD and EU developments on BEPS. She is ranked in the Legal 500 EMEA, most recently as Leading Individual. She frequently acts as speaker at international tax seminars and conferences, including the International Bar Association (IBA) and the American Bar Association (ABA).

She has been a board member of the Dutch Association of Tax Advisers (NOB) since June 2021. In addition, she is a member of the International Tax Affairs Section of the Dutch Association of Tax Advisers (NOB). She is an active member of the IBA and won the 2010 IBA Taxation Scholarship. She was an officer of the IBA Taxes Committee from 2013-2018 and was co-chair of the IBA Taxes Committee for 2019 and 2020.


Tax law, University of Amsterdam, 2003
Tax LL.M., New York University, 2004


Tax law, University of Amsterdam, 2003
Tax LL.M., New York University, 2004