Buyer’s Guide: How to Find the Right Tax Provision Software

Navigating the intricate maze of the corporate tax provision process is complicated. With tight timelines and magnified scrutiny, it’s a walk on a tightrope, where every misstep could spell inaccuracies and potential control failures. Many companies kick off their tax provision calculations in Excel. After all, it’s familiar territory. Excel spreadsheets offer flexibility, and building out the basic calculations is easy.

However, that flexibility can create risk in the form of incorrect formulas, version control issues, and other spreadsheet deficiencies. Excel also does not easily adapt to the common factors that complicate the provision process, such as adding new jurisdictions or legal entities, making last-minute changes, or incorporating tax law changes.

It’s often these factors that provoke tax departments to make major changes to their provision process, including making the switch to a new software solution. Or perhaps its new leadership or a new audit team precipitates the need for a better process.

But even in times of relative stability, certain challenges remain – and are only getting worse. Close times are shorter, reporting requirements are increasing, and accuracy remains critical.

Bloomberg Tax surveyed 600 provision professionals and found that companies of all sizes could benefit from rethinking their current process and tools.

When asked about their use of rate reconciliation comparison schedules for review and analytical purposes, only 25% indicated their provision software generates those schedules, indicating the remaining 75% either don’t prepare schedules at all or prepare them manually (likely in Excel).

Yet when we asked which parts of the provision process management cares about the most, the top two responses were:

  • The rate reconciliation (31%)
  • Accuracy of the process/no control issues (27%)

In other words, the two areas of the provision process management recognize as most important are the exact areas where manual processes fall short.

Consider this: just because something is important, doesn’t mean it has to be difficult and time consuming. In fact, tax provision software can be trusted to make your job easier and reduce the risks keeping you up at night.

If you’re ready to reclaim your time, confidence, and peace of mind with tax provision software, this buyer’s guide will make the process of selecting the right solution easier by:

  • Demonstrating why it’s time to rethink your provision process
  • Showing a step-by-step process for evaluating tax provision software
  • Providing recommendations to help you build the business case

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