Business Operations in Russia (Portfolio 7330)

Vasilii Markov

Vasilii Markov


Dentons Russia

Yana Butrimovich

Yana Butrimovich


Dentons Russia

At a glance

I. Russia — The Country, Its People and Economy

II. Operating a Business in Russia

III. Forms of Doing Business in Russia

IV. Overview of The Russian Tax System

V. Principal Taxes

VI. Taxation of Domestic Corporations

VII. Taxation of Foreign CorporationsVIII. Taxation of Individuals — Residents

IX. Taxation of Individuals — Nonresidents

X. Special Rules for Certain Categories of Taxpayers

XI. Taxation of Inheritance and Gifts

XII. Intercompany Pricing

XIII. Avoidance of Double Taxation


Tax Management Portfolio, Business Operations in Russia, No. 7330, is intended to introduce U.S. and other investors and their advisers to the tax and other considerations relevant to business operations in Russia.

The Portfolio discusses the Law on Foreign Investment, describes the various forms in which it is possible to do business in Russia and considers the most important provisions of the Law on Joint Stock Companies and the Law on Limited Liability Companies, as well as relevant provisions in the Civil Code and other legislation affecting the conduct of business.

The Portfolio analyzes in detail the application of the various Russian taxes, including the corporate profits tax, the personal income tax, the value added tax, social insurance contributions, property taxes, excise taxes and the mineral extraction tax.

The Worksheets contain a translation of the profits tax declaration form for foreign corporations, as well as the text of the Russia-United States tax treaty and a list of the applicable withholding rates under all Russia’s tax treaties.

This Portfolio may be cited as Markov and Butrimovich, 7330 T.M., Business Operations in Russia.

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