Private Foundations and Public Charities — Definition and Classification (Portfolio 876)


Henry Lischer, Jr.

Emeritus Professor of Law

Southern Methodist University

At a glance

I. Introduction

II. Organizations Subject to Classification

III. Advantages and Disadvantages of Public Charities and Private Foundations

IV. Scope of § 509

V. Public Charity Status Based on Activities: § 509(a)(1) Organizations

VI. Publicly Supported Organizations

VII. Section 509(a)(2) Organizations

VIII. Section 170(b)(1)(A)(vi) Organizations

IX. Community Trusts

X. Supporting Organizations: § 509(a)(3)

XI. Section 509(a)(4) Organizations

XII. Private Operating Foundations

XIII. Special Private Nonoperating Foundations

XIV. Foreign Exempt Organizations

XV. Nonexempt Charitable Trusts


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