Bloomberg Tax Authors / Michael Anderson
Michael Anderson
Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP
About Michael
Michael represents a number of quoted clients in the United Kingdom including Hornby plc, Stagecoach Theatre Arts plc, K3 Business Technology Group plc, Lombard Medical Technologies plc and European Islamic Investment Bank plc. Michael acts both for companies and for corporate finance houses in connection with equity capital markets work on both the Official List and AIM and on public and private M&A transactions, particularly in the healthcare sector.
University College London, U. of London, Law (1988) (LBB Honors)
Durham School, A levels, French Language and Literature, History, English and General Studies (1985)
University College London, U. of London, Law (1988) (LBB Honors)
Durham School, A levels, French Language and Literature, History, English and General Studies (1985)