Bloomberg Tax Authors / William Drennan, II

William Drennan, II

Professor of Law

Southern Illinois University School of Law

About William

William Drennan joined the Southern Illinois University School of Law faculty on a full-time basis in 2005, after teaching as an adjunct in 2004. He teaches federal income tax, business tax, trusts and estates, basic estate planning, contracts, and charities and charitable giving. He researches and writes in the areas of taxation, intellectual property, trusts and estates, and contracts. Prior to joining the faculty, William was in private practice for twenty years with a major St. Louis law firm, specializing in taxation, estate planning, non-qualified deferred compensation, and nonprofit organizations.

Mr. Drennan is a member of the American Law Institute, a fellow of the American College of Tax Counsel, a fellow of the American Bar Foundation, and formerly was a fellow of the American College of Trust and Estate Counsel. His articles have been published in the Alabama Law Review, American University Law Review, Florida Law Review, Tennessee Law Review, Penn State Law Review, Michigan State Law Review, Oklahoma Law Review, Utah Law Review, Miami Law Review, Arkansas Law Review, SMU Law Review, University of Toledo Law Review, Vermont Law Review, Florida Tax Review, and Virginia Tax Review. Mr. Drennan also taught in the LL.M. in Tax Program at Washington University in St. Louis from 1996 to 2000 as an adjunct professor, and as a visiting professor at St. Louis University School of Law in 2010-2011, and as an adjunct professor in the summers of 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2017. Mr. Drennan passed the CPA exam.


LL.M. (Executive), New York University School of Law (2013)
LL.M., Intellectual Property, Washington University (2003)
LL.M., Taxation, Washington University (1997)
J.D., St. Louis University Law School (1985) magna cum laude
B.A., Accounting, St. Louis


LL.M. (Executive), New York University School of Law (2013)
LL.M., Intellectual Property, Washington University (2003)
LL.M., Taxation, Washington University (1997)
J.D., St. Louis University Law School (1985) magna cum laude
B.A., Accounting, St. Louis