Business Operations in Israel (Portfolio 7180)
At a glance
Detailed Analysis
I. Introduction
II. Operating a Business in Israel
III. Forms of Doing Business in Israel
IV. Taxation of Domestic Companies
V. Taxation of Foreign Companies
VI. Taxation of a Branch
VII. Taxation of Partnerships
VIII. Taxation of Trusts
IX. Taxation of Resident Individuals
X. Taxation of Nonresidents
XI. Assessment, Filing, Withholding and Advance Payments
XII. Inter-company Pricing
XIII. Tax Incentives
XIV. Avoidance of Double Taxation
XV. Other Taxes
XVI. Inflationary Effects on Tax
The Portfolio analyzes the Israeli income tax structure in depth and pays particular attention to the important Law for the Encouragement of Capital Investments. Israeli tax law and forms of business organization are based on English law. American practitioners will find few concepts strange to them.
Throughout this Portfolio, an effort has been made to emphasize those aspects of Israeli law and practice which differ from their American counterparts.
The Worksheets contain, inter alia, model Articles of Association updated and compatible with the Companies Law, the 1975 Israel-United States Income Tax Treaty, as amended by the 1980 and 1993 Protocols, and a list of comprehensive double taxation agreements including a table of withholding tax rates.
The Detailed Analysis analyzes the problems confronting persons contemplating an investment or a business in Israel. A guide to the Detailed Analysis is provided by a Table of Contents. A Bibliography is provided as a research aid.